Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What I plan to put on my website

The purpose of my website is going to be to inform people of the severity of persecution. My main focus is on the Middle East, but I also want to make people aware of persecution being an issue all over the world. Even though the article that i'm using isn't one of the most violent or horrific cases there have ever been, it is still very sad and unfortunate and these people were and are still very much in need of our prayer and support. Sure, there are already websites such as Persucution.org, Persecution.org, and VoiceOfTheMartyrs, but these websites are more of a place where Christians go to read up on the latest stories of their brothers and sisters who are in need of their prayer, or to form prayer groups with other people around the world. All of those things are great- really great, but for my website, i want it to just basically be about informing the uninformed about Christian persecution, or perhaps persecution in general, but i want it to be more aimed at Christian persecution, mainly in the Middle East.