Sunday, March 18, 2012

Whew! Haven't blogged in a while!

Hey fellow blog readers! Sorry to have kept you waiting so long between my excitingly awesome blogs about the progress of my summary/strong response, but truth be told, not a whole lot of progress has been going on lately. Sure i've made little teensy weensy bitty changes here and there, but nothing worth noting on here. I've kinda been slacking latel:/ BUT NO MORE MY FRIENDS! I'm sitting in starbucks drinking a nice cold iced coffee and working on my comp! What more could a girl ask for right?? Well anyways, let's get down to the meat! So i just revised my summary/strong response on my report about the Christian couple who was being unrightfully persecuted in Iran hopefully for the last time (but that's up to you Mrs. Morley, did i mention how beautiful you've been looking lately??!!) And i will post the finished result soon after i publish this bad boy!! So the few things i had to change were as follows: I needed to include who or what organization wrote the article, when was the article published, where was it published, where was the couple at now, and i needed to come up with a pretty dang good thesis. The article was published on by the Farsi Christian News Network (FCNN), and it was posted on the website on December 2, 2011. As of right now that i know of, the couple is staying in a neighboring country right now awaiting resettlement by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). My thesis statement however, i was kind of struggling with. I knew what i got out of the article and how i wanted to turn it into a strong response, but for some reason i seemed to have an issue doing so. My thesis statement i finally decided on was "When a Christian reads these stories of the unfortunate persecutions, they should walk away feeling compelled to do something to help, not feel sorry for them then forget the story entirely." I'm not 100% satisfied with this thesis statement however. I don't feel like i totally got across what i wanted to. I would revise it, but i'm having a really hard time coming up with a good one, so i guess this one will just have to do. Thanks for reading(:

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